Hey guys!!!
So I am planning my photo projects and I need some volunteers. Its nothing big, just one of my fancy hobbies of photography. Ive been taking pics of landscape quite a lot and I wanna try with people this time.
SO the project is called “ I am ME. And I love my (blank)” which will be filled in by any part of your body that you love the most, the skin, the eyes or just yourself, the whole body or even your personality, just anything.
I'm thinking of taking pic of you guys individually holding a piece of paper saying that message and make it an album.
Again, I aint no professional photographers lols but the photos will be posted on my FACEBOOK and this personal blog of mine called CANON ME.
I want to get as many people from many backgrounds as possible because the PURPOSE of this project is to show that no matter what skin you’re in, you love yourself and that’s the most important part. So !!! I really need your help to fulfill this little fancy hobby of mine.
If you're interested in this, please contact me at
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/traceynguy3n
or MSN traceynguy3n@hotmail.com
or just simple leave me a comment below.
***New updated the numbers of volunteers I have so far...thank you so much guys***
Confirmation from:
1. Austin.
2. Sebastian
3. Karen.
4. Terry
5. Lady P.
6. Chi Huyen.
7. Dalbir.
8. Raymond.
9. Yoori.
10. Trung.
11. Eunjin.
12. Raciel.
13. Michael Lo.